Cooperative Community Wellness

Our vision is to create healthy community by collaboratively resourcing individuals, small businesses, and the healthcare system to be more integrated and find positive outcomes.

The 6 Integrative Domains

Our Integrative model balances wellness efforts across six key domains. By approaching wellness in the conscious and comprehensive way outlined below, our model promotes a stabilized, integrative medical resource for community and individual support.

Mind / Body

These somatic techniques train the body to inspire the mind and teach the mind to positively shape the body. The term ‘somatic’ means ‘experiencing the body from within.’ Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. Our bodies can become tools for working with our mental state and our mental patterns can become vehicles of change for our physical bodies.

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This domain includes therapies that work directly with structural body mechanics to influence change. Posture, neuromuscular activation, musculoskeletal balance, fascial integrity and structure-function efficiency are the primary focus of these therapies. This domain is working tangibly with bones, muscles, fasciae and neuromuscular relationships.

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There are various health systems around the world – Allopathy (Western Medicine), Osteopathy, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, etc. They all have very different core beliefs about the origins of health and disease. Western medicine is the primary medical system we operate within and our insurance payment systems are organized around it. Western medicine is a health philosophy based upon a symptom-response method for assessment, treatment (and payment).

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This domain is about taking the central position in your health care and assuming responsibility for your wellbeing. If you cannot directly assume responsibility, then it means finding a patient advocate and creating a flawless support network around you. Actions related to this domain can include getting regular health screenings, asking questions of health care providers, reading, learning, seeking support and using effective methods for organizing your health records.

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The human body is a biological organism, made up of physiological systems. Each system is balance of chemistry, physics, structure and function. The biological domain includes all the ways we work to facilitate this biological dance. Interventions include pharmaceuticals, supplementation and fitness. Day-to-day factors like sleep, environmental exposures, diet choices and stress also hugely impact our most basic biology.

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These modalities encompass the use of external energy sources - electromagnetic fields, vibration, sound, frequency, thermography, etc. - to influence health and healing. Therapies in this domain work with energetic fields using aspects of vibration, electromagnetism, light, heat, auras, chakras, meridians, intuition and discernment.

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