Frequently Asked Questions

We are a 501c3 (charitable/not-for-profit) organization located in the state of Ohio. Our mission is this: “To help the public navigate the integrative healthcare landscape, improve their wellbeing, and ultimately contribute to the growth of healthy community.”

We’re here for anyone open to a more integrative health and wellness approach within a supportive community.

Our goal is not only to help people find resources but to create a community and an atmosphere of safety and trust. The transparency of intentional community should also foster an ongoing evolution of one’s own best practices, professional activities, and community engagement. We hope that all IC providers take seriously this ethical and value-driven affiliation with Integrate Columbus. The organizational guards in place to protect this integrity include the following:
  • Nominations are based on a provider’s alignment with IC’s stated values. To join our network, a provider MUST be nominated.
  • Incoming nominations are either accepted or denied by our organization. That is the first step. Only then will we send any invitation to accept a nomination to a provider.
  • The provider must explicitly agree to our terms and core values. In this acceptance, providers also acknowledge that their listing and associated materials can be removed from IC at any time should any behavior fall out of alignment with IC values.
  • To date, we have not had any negative feedback about any of our providers. Should such a situation occur, our plan is to assemble an interdisciplinary panel of peers to transparently share all concerns with the provider in question. We hope that any provider who has chosen to work with us truly values what they have claimed to; that they would want to hear, grow, and improve from any concerns that arise. Finally, our panel would present their impressions and the responses of the provider in question to IC’s Board of Directors for a decision on the matter.

Somebody nominated you because they feel that your practice is in alignment with our values. By accepting your nomination you will be recognized as an expert and act as an ambassador for your field. View our Call for Nominations document for more information.

There is no ‘joining’ our organization. This is not a pay-to-play directory of providers looking for business, but rather a nomination-based resource pool of experts. Each is held in high regard by the community they practice and serve within. Providers who align with IC’s stated values are eligible for nomination.

Any provider who practices in alignment with our values may be nominated. Likewise, providers can be removed from our resource network at any time if we hear they have fallen out of alignment with those values. Visitors to the site can immediately see how long each of our providers has been serving in their respective fields. Moreover, provider bios give users access to even more detailed information on their professional backgrounds. In short, our resource network spans relatively new providers to retired professionals who are no longer accepting patients.

Yes, but it’s more than that. Providers are not necessarily listed because they’re actively looking for business. When we list a provider, it is because they serve in alignment with our values and have an excellent reputation. Our resource exists for the public to learn about integrative medicine and how they can implement this sort of framework to manage their own healthcare concerns. And where the public finds rich resources to meet their needs, providers find trusted colleagues to collaborate with for the benefit of those they serve.

Integrity, Cooperative Community, Transparency, Openness, Compassion, and Exchange.

  • Provide individuals access to comprehensive solutions and a clearer understanding of their overall health and wellness.
  • Offer a contemporary model for positive support and advocacy.
  • Supply the most effective and industry-leading educational health/wellness resources.
  • Create a sustainable community culture of reputable care providers.
  • Inspire proactive outreach initiatives to meet needs throughout the broader central Ohio community.

We encourage providers to share their expertise and collaborate over patient care (via email, fax. phone, Zoom, sharing blog content, etc.). Additionally, we have opportunities for gatherings, and a web-based forum for easy engagement and information archiving is already in the works.

There are opportunities to gather for various reasons that all providers are invited to, but nothing is mandatory. We fully understand that many of you are very busy with your full-time practices and life in general. Our primary hope is that we can encourage providers to continue serving their communities with the values that got them nominated in the first place! We want to make that as easy for you as possible by giving you access to like-minded colleagues for the purpose of collaboration and referrals.

Simply search by service or provider on our website. The database indicates if a provider is accepting new patients or not, whether they see children/adults/seniors/couples, whether they do telehealth, and whether they accept Medicaid, general insurance, or out-of-pocket payments. We’re also working on a forum for providers to engage, chat, ask questions, seek resources, etc. with other IC providers.