Diplomate Certified Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute. I work with clients primarily through the Craniosacral System with a focus on myofascial relationships, and Visceral Manipulation (Barral Institute). Also work with Somatic Emotional Release and have Trauma and Development education if needed to support clients on the table with 2 years in Hakomi Training and SPI work. Practiced Structural Integrations for over 20 years and have integrated it into the CST work. Studied and Taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
This work is intended to trust the Inner Wisdom of the body to guide and lead the session. It is very gentle, and effective. Especially helpful for chronic pain, head aches, concussions, trauma, fibromyalgia, and for those interested in Awakening through body awareness.
Would love to help you on your journey to Wellness.
Warmly, Sharon. Hartnett CST-D